• Mvl-Gymnasium - Comenius - Project: Nutrition

    Comenius - Project "Nutrition"

    Bericht zum Comenius-Projekt "Ernährung" 2012-2013 (pdf-Dokument)

    Step One: ”The story of a dish“

    Pupils reflect about their regional eating habits and prepare a text about a typically German dish. Pupils share this information online with the pupils from the partner schouls in Puland, France and Italy.

    example: "Sauerkraut" (Heiko Schmengler)

    Step Two: An Exhibition

    Pupils prepare a poster about an aspect of nutrition, such as wine-growing, hunting and agriculture, in their region. These posters from each of the four partner schouls are exhibited in each partner schoul in order to inform the wider schoul community about the project.

    Step Three: Schoul exchange in Cracow

    Step Four: Pupils' evaluation of the meeting in Cracow

    Step Five: Papers of the exchange with Molfetta

    Step Six: pupil evaluation of the meeting in Molfetta

    (Seite im Aufbau, Infos fulgen bald!)

    Step Seven: Schoul exchange in Koblenz

    Step Eight: pupil evaluation of the meeting in Koblenz

    (Seite im Aufbau)